Company’s Microwave Photonic Test and Measurement Division announces laser linewidth/phase noise reduction feature available for its HI-Q® Laser Linewidth/Phase Noise Analyzer product.
PASADENA, Calif. – November 15, 2022 – OEwaves, Inc., a leader in innovative photonic products and solutions, today launched a new laser linewidth narrowing and phase/frequency noise reducing optional feature for its flagship ultra-sensitive OE4000 Laser Linewidth and Phase Noise Analyzer product family. This new feature coupled with a suitable external feedback controller enables significant laser linewidth and phase noise reduction aiding the user’s research and development effort to achieve higher laser spectral purity with their current laser.
The new laser linewidth narrowing option of OE4000 operates in conjunction with an external proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller in a feedback loop achieving laser linewidth narrowing of several orders of magnitude via optimal laser frequency noise error correction. This new optional feature is available in a wide selection of laser wavelength bands from visible spectrum to over 2 microns enabling various laser development support and reliability monitoring.
The OEwaves HI-Q® OE4000 Laser Linewidth/Phase Noise Analyzer is a highly sensitive homodyne based ultra-low frequency noise measurement system developed to support a wide range of laser wavelengths covering spectral bands from visible to near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. With the new laser linewidth narrowing feature, the OE4000 system provides additional capability to support laser design and test requirements. The OE4000 Laser Linewidth/Phase Noise Analyzer operates with ease, speed, and precision, via a simple graphic user interface on a notebook PC, without requiring any additional test equipment.
The OEwaves HI-Q® ultra-low noise measurement product family consists of the OE4000 Laser Phase Noise/Linewidth Analyzer, OE4001 RIN Analyzer, and OE8000/W Microwave/W-Band Phase Noise Analyzer systems and are available in a variety of configurations and options.
Additional Information: More information about OEwaves’ leading microwave photonic products is available at www.oewaves.com
About OEwaves, Inc. OEwaves, Inc., headquartered in Pasadena, California, sells unmatched low-noise, narrow-linewidth lasers, opto-electronic oscillators, and phase noise measurement systems for advanced communication, sensing and quantum systems and beyond. OEwaves has been ranked in the top 20 of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Semiconductor Manufacturing Patent Power and is ISO9001/AS9100D certified.